Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Diagnosis: Cancer, What do I need to know?

As a creative person working hard to earn your living in a crazy, shifting economy, getting diagnosed with cancer can be devastating. It is NOT the end to your creative journey! In fact, all your previous experience in the creative fields will serve you well in your battle with cancer.

In previous posts I mentioned that as a graphic designer and electronic musician I have been diagnosed with head and neck cancer. I am able and willing to fight every step of the way and you can too. Let's start with what you need to know:

- You are going to be shocked at first - it's alright and natural to ask , Why me? which is a good first step to going down the path to being a survivor. You must trust in your will to live and to fight for yourself and for your loved ones.

- You are going to be angry. My personal bout of anger lasted about 2 solid days of being really, red hot angry at the world and at life. That's alright, go to it and go through it. Remember, it is not your fault you are ill. There are also many variables that contribute to cancer in the body that it is a numeric probability and not the patient's fault in the least. Cancer cells are the result of damaged/compromised DNA. Don't waste energy blaming- use it to arm yourself for the fight.

- You are going to need help. You will need help from family, your doctor and the cancer community. You may even find an advocate who has the same diagnosis you have and is today, completely cancer-free. In my case, I was blessed with a wonderful advocate who told me what to expect every step of the way. Such valuable information helped prepare me for the treatments, side effects and wellness and recuperation. See my post on "The Home Team" below.

- You are going to survive. You are in for the toughest fight of your life. You are going to find the strength to survive! Today, medicine is at a place where a lot of previously fatal cancer diagnoses are treatable. You can win this fight! You arm yourself with as much knowledge about your treatment as possible, keep your friends and family close and work with your medical team to balance yourself.

Here are some great resources I have found:

Cancer Compass Information

The Cancer Compass Message Boards - where you can find out about various cancer

The American Cancer Society - You can find out about community resources and more

You can e-mail me here if you have any questions

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